We recently made and fitted these beautiful doors for our clients’ house in Park Corner, not far from Henley.
This was a return to this property for us, as we had previously designed and made a kitchen for our clients, and as happens often, they wanted us to return. These internal doors are constructed in solid European oak and we fitted hand forged hinges and latches. These oak doors have a stained and lacquered finish which will help to keep them looking beautiful for many years to come. We also designed and made a front door too, which sadly we don’t have a photo of (for now) as it got too dark! The front door was constructed in sapele (an imported African hardwood) and painted gloss white. We made all of these doors from scratch, removed the old doors and fitted the new, also adjusting the frames and making good along the way.
Do you want similar bespoke furniture of any kind designing and making for your home? Do contact us at Mark Williamson Furniture if you are considering having any kind of bespoke furniture designed and built for your home. We specialise in bespoke kitchens, and can design and make any style of kitchen that can be imagined.
Telephone: Office: 01296 658 660 | Mobile: 0775 4409203, or please feel free to email us via the contact page here.